About Us

Body Mind Spirit Connection

The Purpose of the Body Mind Spirit Connection is to support the Benevolence Fund at CC Young and to outreach to the surrounding community through education on health and social issues.

The Vision of CC Young and the Body Mind Spirit Connection is to provide a community where every life and every age is valued and enriched.

CC Young
4847 W. Lawther Drive, Suite #IOO
Dallas, TX 75214
CC Young History and Benevolence

In 1917, an elderly widow approached Reverend Christopher Conley Young at the end of a sermon and asked for his help in finding a place to live. She had nowhere to go, no money, no family, no one to turn to. Reverend Young was so touched by her
situa tion that he could not turn his back on her. That simple request would change his life forever. Thus became his mission, in his own words, "to find a home for aged women and mothers."

For the next two years, Reverend Young traveled throughout Texas seeking donations and pledges. He successfully raised $75,000 and plans were made to purchase land in Oak Cliff. Unfortunately, he never saw his dream materialize as he died on October 18, 1921 at the age of 44. However, his mission did not die but continued on.

The land was purchased; the facility was built and C. C. Young was chartered in 1922.

Over ninety years have passed since that desperate plea for help from one woman. There have been many changes, many improvements, but one thing that has not changed is the need for benevolence. The Benevolence Fund has been in place since 1922. It is an ongoing program that provides for residents that have outlived all of their income, savings, retirement, pension and other assets. This program ensures that residents do not become homeless, that they are not forced to move to an environment that is not of their choosing or in their best interest. The Benevolence
Fund is the safety net so that these seniors continue to receive food, shelter, medicine, nursing care, and other life sustaining services. The Benevolence Fund is the gift of continued life to those who once helped us.